Out of conviction.
For us, assuming corporate responsibility does not only mean being economically successful in the long term. It also means emphasising our commitment to sustainability and firmly anchoring it in our actions and decisions. Particularly in view of the fact that the product "plastic" has often been the focus of blanket criticism in the past.
In 2020, we accepted the challenge of embedding our long-standing commitment to greater sustainability in a strategy for the future, including a CSR approach with specific targets. We want to be assessed on the basis of the achievement of these targets. Since then, we have consistently aligned all operational activities with the requirements of a functioning circular economy, involving our employees and improving our working methods.
Plastic can and will be the material of the transformation process towards a sustainable future, if we are prepared to handle it properly collectively.
Let's talk about it.
Sandra Burwinkel
Sustainability Manager
Sustainable, resource conserving management at all levels; this was the driving force behind Franz Burwinkel as the founder of our family business. His son Martin Burwinkel continues along this path as Managing Director. We consolidated our sustainability activities in 2022 and embedded them in a sustainable strategy for the future. Our corporate mission statement: “For us, sustainable action is not an intention, but a mindset.“
We believe, corporate social responsibility means acting responsibly with regard to the climate crisis and environmental aspects ("ecologically friendly"), the interests of our employees, the region and society ("socially responsible") and the profitability of the company ("economically innovative"), and not just since yesterday.
We live this mindset: We anchor it in our family business and in our employees, who go this path with us. And we express it in dialogue with our customers, suppliers and all other stakeholders.
Our objective is to constantly improve together. To face the challenges with a view towards a sustainable future. Rethinking plastics. And to take responsibility for the environment and future generations.
We act in an economically innovative manner because we are convinced that sustainable management will make our company fit for the future. We are responsible for and control sustainability management at management level. We are also in close dialogue with our stakeholders. Aspects such as transparency, participation and "learning from each other" are very important to us. We work together on new, innovative product solutions, in the spirit of the circular economy.
We act in an ecologically friendly manner: On the road to climate neutrality, we are rethinking plastic as a recyclable material. By integrating closed-loop systems, increasing the use of recycled materials with new product solutions and utilising renewable energies in strong scientific partnerships. To make our sustainability activities and goals measurable, we measured our carbon footprint for the first time in 2022.
We act with social integrity: As a family business, we have always felt a strong connection to our employees and our home region, the Oldenburger Münsterland. We focus on diversity and commitment. Other key issues include health and safety at work, fair pay, professional qualifications and the recruitment of skilled labor, a vibrant corporate culture and the common good.
We published our first sustainability report in June 2023 in order to document our sustainable development transparently and make it comparable and visible to our stakeholders. It relates to the 2022 financial year and was published in accordance with the reporting standards set out in the German Sustainability Code (DNK).
We work with the following sustainability platforms: